Stop Drinking Alcohol App Full 1.1 Free Download

"Like a sponsor in your pocket." "I love the app! Simple, practical and to the point. Thank you." "22 days today! I bought the full version a few days ago, I'm really enjoying all the quotes. Definitely the best tool for sobriety I've found so far. It's a really great app, and I'm very grateful to you for sharing it. Thanks!" "Just so you know we read your quotes to each other.! Also, I purchased the full version!" "You're saving my liver!" "Looking forward to more quotes - they are such a brain warmer :)" "Very useful for alcoholics who want to escape." "Thanks for your app. Am a social drinker but trying to lay off for a bit. It helps and makes me feel good when I can actually see how many days I've been off the booze." “A Must-Have Tool For Everyone Serious About Quitting Or Tapering Off” Whether you're a college student bored of getting shitfaced ev...